Najlepsze ebookie online powiązane ze słowem: Hardy
The novel tells about a man with character and unusual fate. The life story of Michael Henchard, first a homeless worker, a haymaker, then the mayor of Casterbridge and a local rich man and again a farm laborer, involuntarily arouses...
Hardys fifth novel, entitled 'Comedy in Chapters.' In a typical Hardy manner, the story is based on a love triangle. Ethelberta and her involuntary sister Picoti are in love with the same man, Christopher, who reciprocates Ethelbertas feelings. However, a...
In the novel Far From the Crazed Crowd, Hardy reveals the great and eternal drama of the relationship between a man and a woman. At one time, the vivid, complicated story of the love triangle of the independent and proud...
Jude is a layman who is cursed by an even larger figure: a pre-feminist minx. In the case of Jude, being associated with a woman in the then strange double is a fatal flaw. And not just any woman: Sue...
Once upon a time there lived in the 19th century a charming young lady from a poor but proud family and a young ambitious gentleman in spirit, but not in origin. And now the boundaries of estates and welfare were...
A group of 'local historians' of men comes together and tells each other stories about women from the past. All stories are connected with love, marriage to the wrong person and illegitimate children. This says a lot about how women...
Hardys historical novel against the backdrop of the grandest Napoleonic wars tells about the love and sorrows of ordinary people who found themselves in unusual times. When the expected invasion brings several regiments to her small rural community, the young...
'The Well-Beloved' complete the series of Hardys great novels, repeating his favorite themes of mans eternal pursuit of excellence both in love and in art, and the ensuing suffering, Jocelyn Pearston, a famous sculptor, tries to create the image of...
The novel takes the reader to the very depths of rural England. The small village of Hintok, the scene of the novel, is so small that its even hard to find in the thicket of the forest, but this is...
The novel 'Two on a Tower' is one of the most famous works of the author. An atmospheric, dynamic story throws the characters at the disposal of forces far beyond their control. Lady Viviet, violating all the rules of decency,...
This story began around Christmas, when a group of guys from the village of Melstock walked and sang carols. It was then that the cab driver Dick Dewey saw and fell in love at first sight with the new teacher...
Young beauty Eustace Way, passionate, self-willed, selfish and ambitious, eager to break out of the hateful rural outback into a different life, full of splendor, fun and pleasure. Meanwhile, after several years of service as a manager in a Paris...
Co zrobić, żeby się pozbierać i zacząć wszystko od początku, kiedy życie rozpada ci się na kawałki? Po serii dramatycznych przeżyć przyjaciółki Hayley i Dani umawiają się, że przed nimi „Rok mówienia Tak”. Obiecują sobie, że zrobią wszystko, by ich...
Przystojny kardiochirurg i znany playboy James Alexander przyjeżdża do Penhally, by zacząć nowe życie – z dala od blichtru Londynu i natrętnych dziennikarzy. Jest zauroczony nadmorskim krajobrazem i panującą wokół ciszą. Jego uwagę zwraca także piękna, lecz nieśmiała doktor Charlotte...
George Somers, dziedzic tytułu szlacheckiego, znany playboy i miłośnik sportów ekstremalnych, ulega poważnemu wypadkowi i musi poddać się rehabilitacji. Zauroczony fizjoterapeutką, Sereną, zaczyna zastanawiać się nad zmianą swego dotychczasowego życia. Chce związać się z nią na stałe, ona jednak doskonale...
Gdy marzenia doktor Amy Rivers o rodzinie legły w gruzach, rzuciła się w wir pracy, angażując się w nią całym sercem. Los jednak bywa złośliwy – jedna z prowadzonych przez nią operacji neurologicznych nie przyniosła oczekiwanego rezultatu. W poczuciu zawodowej...