Najlepsze ebookie online powiązane ze słowem: Volume
Nowe technologie zmieniają współczesny rynek. W rezultacie, ustawodawca stoi przed trudnym wyzwaniem, ponieważ musi on dostosować ustawodawstwo do zróżnicowanego, dynamicznie rozwijającego się rynku cyfrowego oraz nowych technologii. Monografia przedstawia analizę wybranych zagadnień ze wspomnianego wyżej obszaru i analizuje najbardziej aktualne,...
XXI wiek zmienił świadomość zarówno zwykłych ludzi jak i menedżerów biznesu i polityków na całym świecie. Postępująca globalizacja, rozwój Internetu i sieci komórkowych doprowadziły do zatarcia pojęć „daleki” i „bliski”. Obecnie to co kiedyś wydawało się „dalekie” jest na „wyciągnięcie”...
Can you take care about your health?How can you take care about your health if you do not know what is health?If you have no knowledge, you will fall for anything.This is the book about health, your health and only...
The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The...
The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The...
In the 15th century B.C. aggressive Egypt is at the peak of its power. However, the vassals of the conquered Canaan are making plans to throw off the yoke of the hateful pharaohs. Aberes (Pearl) - a beautiful girl from...
Fate spares Aberes nothing. After the escape from a night trap set by her husband, she returns to her home city and under an assumed name tries to plan her life. But the past won't be forgotten. Rejected by her...
The second volume of the work including the maps of regions and countries of the Middle East.
The first volume of the work including the maps of regions and countries of the Middle East.
The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The...
United Nations General Assembly resolutions had a high impact on creating and functioning national and international security. In many cases these acting hindered the fast end of the conflict.Presenting the role of United Nations GA resolutions in creating the independent...
United Nations General Assembly resolutions had a high impact on creating and functioning national and international security. In many cases these acting hindered the fast end of the conflict.Presenting the role of United Nations GA resolutions in creating the independent...
The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The...
The hereby thesis concerns the research on the rebirth of lsrael (1948). The object of the analysis is the research on the actions provided by the Jewish nation, which aim was to create independent country on the Palestine territory. The...