Najlepsze ebookie online powiązane ze słowem: yellow
The Yellow Snake is an entertaining and breathtaking 1926 thriller by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Fing-Su is a graduate of Oxford and head of the dread Society of the Joyful Hands, which he leads in his quest to...
George Valentine Williams (1883-1946) was an English journalist, actor, lecturer, screenwriter, and author of many crime and thriller novels. He created The Fox (Baron Alexis de Bahl), Clubfoot (Dr. Adolph Grunt), Mr. Treadgold the tailor and Detective Sergeant Trevor Dene....
A young, ambitious lawyer, Jack Masefield has his own problems and suspicions. He is in love with a beautiful young Clair and is convinced that her guardian, the famous criminologist Spencer Anstruther, is himself a criminal and plays some kind...
Not all invasion threats were purported to come from the Germans, the French or from Anarchists: in M.P. Shiels Yellow Danger it is an army of Chinese who invade Europe. In The Yellow Danger Mr. Shiel described in lurid colors...
Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux, known as the author of fantastic detectives. The Mystery of the Yellow Room this intriguing and confusing story is a classic of detective literature. The main mystery of the novel: how could a crime be committed...
Chyba każda nastolatka marzy, aby napisano o niej książkę, ale większość z nich nie widzi w swoich codziennych przeżyciach nic fascynującego ani godnego opisania. Tymczasem ta właśnie książka powstała na podstawie e-maili, które autorka otrzymywała od nastolatek. Główna bohaterka, Hania,...
A detective and very mysterious story. Mr. Sabin is called out of blissful retirement to search for his missing wife. He believes Lucille to be kidnapped by members of a secret society of aristocrats. It is interesting to watch Mr....
E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was an internationally renowned author of mystery and espionage thrillers. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. 1924s The Wrath to Come...
Bohaterowie Bahama yellow noszą oryginalne imiona, niekojarzące się z żadnym konkretnym miejscem na Ziemi: Lelech, Skomroch, Tabiołka, Lala, Zajc, Koffel, Kauk... Przekształcając klasyka, można powiedzieć, że akcja utworu toczy się wszędzie, czyli nigdzie, a obcujemy ze światem pełnym napięcia i...